Year 2000








Year 2000 Compliance

Last updated January 29, 1999


The so-called “Year 2000“ problem refers to the errors that will be seen in some software programs when the internal computer date changes from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000. The origin of the problem is that, in the 1960's and 1970's, many programmers internally stored years as two digits (“99“) instead of four (“1999“) to save two bytes of scarce RAM and disk memory.

For more information on the problem and its impact, see

Palomar's Compliance

Palomar's software has an automatic Year 2000 advantage because it runs on the Mac OS, which, as Apple Computer explains, has been fully Year 2000 compliant since the first Macintosh in 1984.

Only one of Palomar's supported products, the Palomar Queue Kit, explicitly incorporates dates, in this case for scheduling print times. The Queue Kit has been tested and works correctly in the year 2000 and also in the 21 century.

Thus, there are no known, likely or suspected Year 2000 compliance problems for any current Palomar product.

You may wish to also consult the Year 2000 compliance statements of the OEM customers who distribute Palomar-derived software:

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