Year 2000








Software Downloads

Last updated January 29, 1999

This page contains links to Macintosh software developed by Palomar that is available for downloading.

Palomar Queue Kit

The Palomar Queue Kit is a background printing application and is available for downloading. To download or to know more information on the product, click here.

PICT Detective

PICT Detective is a developer utility that analyzes QuickDraw pictures. To download PICT Detective and learn more about the utility, click here.

Printer Drivers

The following drivers are not available elsewhere on the internet. So they are provided here for your convenience:

  • Fuji Kaleida/ColorPixPro

The Fuji Kaleida/ColorPixPro driver is available for download. The driver are used for poster printers from 24“ to 54“. To know more about the specifications of the drivers, click here.

  • Kodak Diconix Color4

The Kodak Diconix Color4 driver is available for download. Click here to Download.

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