
Joel West’s
Research on Entrepreneurship

Joel’s research on entrepreneurship looks at how entrepreneurial firms pursue technological innovation strategies, particular new firms formed to exploit a new technology and create a new technology-based industry. The research draws on his 15 years of experience co-founding and running a software company.

Unofficial copies of the paper are available by clicking on the title of the paper. Official copies (where copyright permits) can be reached by clicking on the DOI or by browsing the issue date.

For discussions of entrepreneurship in high-technology industries, see also Joel’s Engineering Entrepreneurship blog.


Anne Greul, Joel West and Simon Bock, “Open at birth? Why new firms do (or don’t) use open innovation,” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, forthcoming.

Joel West, “Open Source Platforms Beyond Software: From ICT to Biotechnology,” in Jeffrey Furman, Annabelle Gawer, Brian S. Silverman, and Scott Stern, eds. Advances in Strategic Management 37, 2017, pp. 337-368. DOI: 10.1108/S0742-332220170000037011

Joel West and George Kuk, “The complementarity of openness: How MakerBot leveraged Thingiverse in 3D printing,” Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 102 (Jan. 2016): 169-181. DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2015.07.025

Joel West and Anne Greul, “Atoms matter: The role of local ‘makerspaces’ in the coming digital economy,” in F. Xavier Olleros and Majlinda Zhegu, eds., Research Handbook on Digital Transformations, Cheltenham, U.K.: Elgar, 2016, pp. 182-202. DOI: 10.4337/9781784717766.00016

Joel West, “Open Innovation,” in David B. Audretsch, Christopher S. Hayter, and Albert N. Link, eds., A Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation, Cheltenham, U.K.: Elgar, 2015, pp. 137-140. DOI: 10.4337/9781783474202

Joel West, “Too Little, Too Early: California’s Transient Advantage in the Photovoltaic Solar Industry,” Journal of Technology Transfer, 39, 3 (June 2014). DOI: 10.1007/s10961-012-9291-6

Joel West, “Challenges of Funding Open Innovation Platforms: Lessons from Symbian Ltd.,” Chapter 4 in Henry Chesbrough, Wim Vanhaverbeke and Joel West, eds., New Frontiers in Open Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.

Mary Walshok and Joel West, “Serendipity and Symbiosis: UCSD and the Local Wireless Industry,” in Martin Kenney and David Mowery, eds., Public Universities and Regional Growth: Insights from the University of California, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014, pp. 127-152. ISBN: 9780804790673

Joel West and David Wood, “Evolving an Open Ecosystem: The Rise and Fall of the Symbian Platform,” in Ron Adner, Joanne Oxley and Brian Silverman, eds., Advances in Strategic Management, Volume 30, 2013, pp. 27-68.  ISBN: 1781908265

Joel West, “Before Qualcomm: Linkabit and the Origins of the San Diego Telecom Industry,” Journal of San Diego History, 55, 1-2 (Winter/Spring 2009): 1-20.

Joel West, “Commercializing Open Science: Deep Space Communications as the Lead Market for Shannon Theory, 1960-1973,” Journal of Management Studies, 45, 8 (December 2008), 1506-1532. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6486.2008.00807.x

Simard, Caroline and Joel West (2006) “Knowledge networks and the geographic locus of innovation,” in Henry Chesbrough, Wim Vanhaverbeke, and Joel West, eds., Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 220-240.

Working Papers

West, Joel, “Market, Policy and Environmental Influences on the Creation and Adoption of Solar Power in California, 1900-2010,” November 3, 2011. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2010114.

Joel West and Caroline Simard, “Balancing Intrapreneurial Innovation vs. Entrepreneurial Spinoffs During Periods of Technological Ferment,” Sloan Industry Studies working paper series, WP-2007-32, May 2007.

Joel West, “Cross-cultural Differences in Entrepreneurship in the Asia-Pacific PC Industry,” UC Irvine, working paper, January 1997.

Conference Presentations

All presentations by Joel West unless indicated by *

*Anne Greul, Joel West and Simon Bock, “The limited value of inbound open innovation: Why entrepreneurs leverage community knowledge,” paper symposium, Academy of Management conference, Anaheim, August 9, 2016.

*Anne Greul, Joel West & Simon Bock, “Finding the crowdfunding window among 3D printing investors,” 1st World Open Innovation Conference, Napa, California, December 5, 2014.

Simon Bock, Joel West & Anne Greul, “How User Entrepreneurs Leverage Openness in 3D Printing,” 1st World Open Innovation Conference, Napa, California, December 5, 2014.

Joel West and George Kuk, “Proprietary Benefits from Open Communities: How MakerBot Leveraged Thingiverse in 3D Printing,” Academy of Management conference, Philadelphia, August 2014.

*Paul L. Drnevich and Joel West, “Performance Implications of Technological Uncertainty for Young and Small Businesses,” Southern Management Association 2011 Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, November 11, 2011

Joel West and Paul L. Drnevich, “Entrepreneurship and Extreme Environmental Uncertainty: Policy Implications of the Financial Crisis,” Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Recovery: A Focus on Job Creation and Economic Stabilization conference, co-sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Kauffman Foundation, October 26–27, 2010.

*Fabian Eggers, Joe Giglierano and Joel West, “Organizational Antecedents of Startup Growth Trajectories,” Academy of Management conference, Entrepreneurship division, Chicago, August 2009.

Joel West and Caroline Simard, “Tapping the Knowledge of Remote Universities: Technological Entrepreneurship in the San Diego Telecom Industry,” 2007 Technology Transfer Society Conference, Palm Desert, Calif., Oct. 25, 2007.

*Joe Giglierano and Joel West, “Contrasting Marketing and Growth Strategies of Bootstrap and Ventured-Funded Startups,” UIC Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Washington, DC, August 1, 2007.

Joel West and Caroline Simard, “Balancing Intrapreneurial Innovation vs. Entrepreneurial Spin-Offs During Periods of Technological Foment,” Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 2006.

Joel West and Caroline Simard, “Knowledge Flows in New Firm Creation: Insights from San Diego’s Wireless Cluster,” Strategic Management Society, Knowledge & Innovation Interest Group pre-conference, November 2003.

Caroline Simard and Joel West, “The Role of Founder Ties in the Formation of San Diego’s ‘Wireless Valley’,” DRUID Summer Conference on Creating, Sharing and Transferring Knowledge, June 14, 2003.

Invited Presentations

“Remote Institutions as the Seed for a Technology Cluster: From MIT to Qualcomm,” Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, January 21, 2008

“Commercializing Open Science Deep Space Communications as the Lead Market for Shannon Theory, 1960-1973,” Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa, January 18, 2008

“Balancing Intrapreneurial Innovation vs. Entrepreneurial Spinoffs: Learning from Linkabit,” College of Management of Technology, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, May 21, 2007

“The Role of Founder Ties in the Formation of San Diego’s ‘Wireless Valley’,” NorCOM Association, June 16, 2003.

Last Updated August 10, 2017

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