
Standardisation in Information Technology
Minitrack, HICSS-34

The minitrack on “Standardisation in Information Technology” was part of the January 2001 HICSS-34 conference, held in Maui.


Minitrack Chair

Kai Jakobs
Technical University of Aachen,
Computer Science Dept., Informatik IV

The minitrack is part of the Emerging Technologies track, chaired by Ralph Sprague.

See Kai’s website for an introduction/explanation of the minitrack.


The sessions were held January 5, 2001. The program (excerpted from the HICSS-34 proceedings) is listed below. Click on the indicated links for the proceedings papers.

Standardization in Information Technology
Chair: Kai Jakobs

08:00 Session ET5

Standardization And The Competition Between Standard Business Software And Framework Technology: Policy Implications For The Management And The Standardization Organizations
By: Bernd Reitwiesner, Stefan Volker, Melanie Frank (ETSIT01)

Proprietary vs. Open Standards in the Network Era: An Examination of the Linux Phenomenon
By: Joel West and Jason Dedrick (ETSIT02)

The Real Options Approach to Standardization
By: Mark Gaynor (ETSIT03)

Best Paper Award winner, Emerging Technologies Track

10:00 Session ET6

Standardizing Management of Software Engineering Projects
By: Roy Rada (ETSIT04)

Software Quality Management and Software Process Improvement in Denmark
By: Karlheinz Kautz, Faisal Ramzan (ETSIT05)

Why Java was - not - standardized twice
By: Tineke M. Egyedi (ETSIT06) 

Last Updated January 29, 2006

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